Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ramadhan Day 1

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, Salam Ramadhan & Hi

As you know today 18th June 2015, which is 1 Ramadhan 1436 Hijri is the first day of fasting for all muslims in Malaysia. I'm not sure about other country, are they fasting the same day like us or not? Of course not, but still the other country celebrating Ramadhan just around this date. Ok, whatever.

So, as for today, I didn't do much. Since today is the first day of fasting, so, I decide just to stay in my room quietly, and calmly. Nah! Actually I'm preparing for my final exam. Oh yeah, I'm totally forgot. I'm on final week right now. Please pray for my success. This semester giving me such a headache with this and that and this and that and da di da di du. bluurrgghh!! Anyway, I'm still living my life happily and cheerful.with beloved one *wink*. Don't worry ok?

Ok, back to our topic, first day of Ramadhan. This year, I'm experiencing new thing which is, celebrating 1st of Ramadhan at people's place. It is quite interesting though, and it's kinda excite me to celebrate this 1st of Ramadhan. Well, tipu la kalau cakap it's not challenging. It's quite challenging actually, mentally. Luckily, I'm used being away from home, so I'm not that awkward to it. Kira untung jauh-jauh pun, still dalam Malaysia lagi. Yang duduk oversea tuh, lagi lah homesick. Ye dok?

Ok lah. Takde apa sangat nak dicerita perihal hari ni. Mungkin esok lusa ada cerita yang boleh di share. So, to every muslims around the world, I wish you guys happy fasting and let us cherish this holy month with a lot of doa and good behaviour. Jangan lupa solat terawih okay? Bukan selalu dapat buat solat Terawih, time puasa jek. Besar mukjizatnya tuh. Dan kepada mereka yang sedang menduduki final exam, semoga berjaya. Insyaallah, ada keberkatan anda menjawab soalan exam di bulan suci Ramadhan ini.

Salam Ramadhan dan Selamat Berpuasa


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pity Guy

As for today, I want to tell you guys a story about a friend of mine. It would be an honor if you can comment some thought, or any experience, or perhaps some advice after reading this story.

My friend is a guy yang kena tinggal dengan awek dia. Dia ni pulak, bukan jenis yang senang nak suka kat orang. It had been 3 years (or is it 4 years?) he broke up with his girlfriend. I ask him, what did you like so much about her, until you still longing for her for years?. And he said, he had done a lot of first-time-moment with her. Plus, this is the first time, he truly love someone. He said that she is not that beautiful, she is not too feminine, what he like about her is the way she walk, the way she talk, the way she dress, the way she laugh, her laugh and bla bla bla (it's too many and I'm barely can remember all of it. Sory :'( ). 

There is one time, where I went to his room to wake him up, because we had plan to hang out at the swimming pool that day. I knock the door, and then his roommate open the door. I woke him up and he did not wake up but he mumbling "aku nak dia" - dia yang dimaksudkan tu, minah tu lah, yang tinggalkan dia tu. That's one. There is also another one time, where I went to his room to wake him up to go to the clinic (he is awfully sick that day). As usual, I knock the door, it didn't open, then I tried the door knob, it's opened (he always got problem with locking-the-door things, pakkal jek dia sakit masa tu). I woke him up, then he wake up and asking me where is she. And I was speechless and clueless, I'm wondering who the hell is he talking about? Then he walked out the room with a rush, as if searching for something important. I followed him. Then he went back to his room, sit on his bed and staring the floor. I just looked at him. A few seconds later, he is fully awake, and I took him to the clinic.

I asked him, why both of them broke up. He said, he did not know the real reason why she breaking up with him. She didn't tell him at all. He still searching for the answer until now. He used to said to me that he tried to open his heart to some other girls. But, whenever he with that girl, dia mesti teringatkan minah tu. Last2, dia undur diri dari hubungan tu, atas sebab, dia takut perkara yang sama berlaku macam dia dengan minah tu, dia taknak lukakan hati perempuan tu.

For me, he is a kind guy, have pure heart, and quite gentleman. Tapi kenapa ada perempuan yang sanggup tinggalkan dia? Mungkin perempuan tu ada sebab dia sendiri, tapi kenapa biarkan kawan aku nih tertanya-tanya? As a friend, I should be sad about this. 

What do you think? Are you experiencing the same thing as mine? 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Korean Drama : It's Okay It's Love

It's Okay It's Love

Is there anyone out there watching this drama?

I'm not saying I'm a K-POP fans (hahaha). Well, what I like about this drama is, the theme. It's not completely about romance, lovey dovey things. From this drama, what I saw is, we might be normal with mentally and physically healthy. But, do you realize that, not everyone as healthy like us. 

From this drama, its awaken me by showing how many out there have difficulty to live. My point is, don't we ever forget that out there, there are some fighting to live normally. We should be grateful to our god, by giving this healthiness, wealthiness, and such luck.

okay, I gotta go. Need to hang out with my beloved classmates, since this year is our last year together.

Thanks & Good Night

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Bit About Me

Assalamualaikum w.b.t & Hi

A bit intro about MR.WHATEVER

Mr.Whatever...nickname for this blog only
Rest is all about sleep

Wanting to travel around the world and share to others
Home is all about comfortable and being free
Annoying sometimes but still under control
Thin......still dream to be one..
Ears...its all yours (if you got problems)
Very open...u can tell me worries...
Easily weakened by cuteness (of anything)
Ready to hit the world

That's all bout me..u will know me better through my writings sometimes can be in english, sometimes can be in malay...if you dont understand any of the word, go ask Mr. Google Translate..

I'll try my best to shine your days through my writing...hope you guys like it, if u don't, put it in the comment and I'll try to fix it (if i want to)..

That's all I guess...wait for my next writing ok?...